So you’ve placed a great works project, but can’t seem to get construction going? SimCity still has a few bugs that are affecting the Great Works, but chances are you’re just not doing it right.

To send a resource to a great works project, you must ensure that it’s set to ‘Use Locally‘ at your trade port or depot. Trucks will automatically deliver the resources to the Great Works site.
The trade port’s delivery trucks are used to send the resources, so adding more trucks is the easiest way to make building progress faster.
thanks mate
I’ve done all that and I can see the trucks transporting the resources over to the site, but the numbers aren’t going up. It’s still saying 0 alloy etc.
same with me
That was Happening to me too but then I just exited the city and came back again and it worked. It also worked when it looked numbers went down when I cam back to the city again the things were actually done.
Did exactly as stated here… Still doesn’t work… There are still MAJOR bugs with this game and this is one of them. I can see that resources are being depleted from the trade port, but they affect the resource bar on the great works site… I’ve asked EA for any help and of course, get zero response.
The number might not go up right away. Give it couple mins and it should get updated.
Thanks! That is a great help. BTW, if you don’t produce the resource locally you must first import it to a trade depot, then switch to local use to send it out to the Great Work. These resources can be very costly, so make sure your budget can manage it.
it takes forever to transfer materials, but make sure you have ALL THREE of the arrows highlighted on the bottom left of screen, this makes everything happen at fastest rate.
also make sure you have enough cash to keep your cities running. I try and keep ten million in the city. to get a lot of cash hit alt-W as fast as you can and it will add $100,000 per click.
it would be great if they could also fix the game so your materials transfer from all your cities instead of just one.
I agree it takes a log time for a great works get build, By the time I even had it built half way crime in my city goes up, more lizards and zombies, it seems like this game just has bugs to keep your city in a great destiny for destruction once you start on a wonder. also why is it that if one wonder get built and you start another city sharing the same route to the wonder the 2nd city cannot use it or see it as if it never even got built from the first city. I think they should share the glory after all they helped.
If you’re set up to send materials to a Great Works site and you don’t produce it locally, you should be able to set it up to import and it will automatically send the resources to the great works.
Source: I don’t make Fuel, but I’m importing it and it’s sending the fuel to the space station site.
I still only get but so many resources to the great work but then nothing. It quits sending the resources even though I have max number of trucks, no traffic problems, maxed out all my resource storage with it set to use locally and still cannot complete a great work. I have done this three times now, always with the same ending, I get one or two items filled, and then the great work will no longer receive ANY resources. This is ridiculous the game has been out this long and it still doesn’t work. I don’t think I will be making the mistake again of purchasing simcity or any upgrades to it until they get off their asses and actually fix it to work properly.
I can’t get it to work. I’m producing oil, but it’s getting clogged up even though it’s directed to the international airport. I’m very disappointed in the game and how important features, like trading, don’t work or aren’t intuitive.
You’re not alone. The game’s glitches are infuriating. It looks like the Great Works are getting fixed in the next patch, so fingers crossed.
I’m new to this game, so I was hoping all the bugs would be fixed by now as it’s been out a few years. I’m having the same problem you guys 4 years ago, nothing is going to my great works. I’ve read so many things and I’m sure I’m doing it right.