We’re excited to let you know The Sims™ turns eighteen years old today! It’s an accomplishment for us as creators, but more importantly, it’s an enormous testament to the passion of our community. We’ve been able to make these games for so long thanks to your quirky movies, rich and detailed custom skins, inventive and bizarre mods, and the awesome stories you tell.
Over the years, we’ve asked the hard questions about life, like: “Do Sims pee too often?” and “Why might a satellite fall from space and land on a Sim?” At times, we’ve had to dig a little deeper into introspective topics like whether plants should have udders or not. (The answer is yes, some should.)
We’ve built lots of stories and memories over the years. And I’ll never forget the bug on The Sims 2 Open for Business that let Sims sell babies. Don’t worry, it didn’t ship that way! This is a wonderful job filled with strange moments, and it’s such a joy to share tidbits with all of you.
I can’t believe The Sims franchise has been around for so long. As someone who played the game since the very beginning, I suddenly feel really old.