Get Fit with The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff Pack!

EA have just announced a brand new Stuff Pack that will be available from June 20th. From the official announcement blog post:

Soon, your athletically inclined Sims, or those just looking for a reason to get off the sofa, can take on a new challenge with the rock climbing treadmill. Yep, you read that right, a rock climbing treadmill! This new piece of equipment will give your Sim an intense workout that allows them to lose weight, while simultaneously building muscle. As your Sim becomes more experienced at bouldering, they can attempt increasingly difficult climbs, as well as compete against others to set high scores

There’s also a video trailer up on YouTube that showcases some of the new clothing, objects and interactions that will be included in the Stuff Pack.

Looks like a lot of Sims are going to get really buff!

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